Millard West Jr. Wildcats Football

2024 Jr. Wildcats Football Key Dates
Gear up for an action-packed 2024 season with the Jr. Wildcats Football Program! We're excited to offer a blend of teamwork, skill enhancement, and football fun. Here are the key dates and an important update on registration:
Registration Now Open!
Registration Closes: March 31 (Late fees apply post-deadline if space permits)
Tackle Football Program
August 1: First Day of Practice
August 24/25: Official Weigh-ins Weekend
September 1: Opening Day of Games
October 20: Regular Season Concludes
October 26 & 27: Championship Weekend
7 on 7 Spring Program (Optional)
March 18: Practice Begins
April 1 - May 6: Weekly Games
May 13 & May 20: Potential Tournament Dates
The 7-on-7 program is optional and will be determined by each head coach.
Stay connected for all the latest updates and let's embark on a memorable journey of growth and victories together. Let the countdown to the 2024 season begin!